Special Clearing Package

– a 75% discount from a regular clearing package –


Jump-to Article Sections:

Who is this for?
What I do.
My Experience.
My Process
The Benefits of a Clearing
What you get when you hire me.
What this clearing package includes.
Clearing Disclaimer


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 Offer expires midnight May 30, 2024.


Receiving a clearing isn’t a one-and-done forever process.
You must make the commitment to take control and change your life.

I can aid you in this process.



Who is this for?

  • Everyone really can benefit from a remote space clearing and energy balance.  It’s not a fix all for those who suffer from long term mental illnesses – depression, schizophrenia, multiple personalities, etc.  These things are deep rooted issues and need another level of interaction and intervention.  However, this remote spirit and entity clearing and energy balancing can help set the stage to assist someone in clearing other issues from their life.

  • Anyone trying to sell a home, building, or property and it has not been successful.  A home that has been staged nicely, has been viewed many times and gets great reviews on looks – but has no interest beyond that, is a perfect candidate.   If you show a property and hear often that it doesn’t feel right, is creepy, feels strange, or the people feel uncomfortable, this is a place that requires a clearing.

  • If you have a property that has had trauma associated with it; murder, death, assault or battery, burglary, child abuse, (abuse of any kind) divorce, fire, extreme flooding, tornadic activity, earthquakes, or volcanic eruptions – the property is in considerable need of a clearing.


What I Do

  • Remotely remove spirits and entities – including demonic or “other world” beings.

  • Check underground energies for any disruptions and move or dissipate energy lines, underground water, and portals.

  • Balance and clear energy in every room – from end to end.

  • Create a Divine blessing and protection for the home or building and property.

  • Clear all energy from personal property within the home.


My Experience

  • My clearing process was Divinely inspired and used for over 26 years.  It is not based on the teaching or techniques of anyone else.

  • I have extensive experience in clearing spirits and entities (including demonic entities) from homes, buildings, and properties and freeing people from spiritual attachments.  People may frighten me at times, but nothing in the Spirit world does.  There isn’t anything I can’t get rid of quickly, easily, and permanently. 

  • I’ve seen spirits since I was a child and have always possessed the gift of Discernment of Spirit.  That means I know exactly what is on your property.

  • I’m a Divinely studied Demonologist.


My Process is Different Because

  • What I do is more than just an energy balancing sage session or blessing like most people do.  I deal with spiritual beings and entities that can disrupt your life on many levels.

  • You have the option of packages that work for very busy office buildings to your private home or land.

  • But most importantly, my process is not based on the teachings or techniques of others.  This method was Divinely given to me and I have used it successfully for over 26 years.


The Benefits of a Remote Clearing Package*

  • A remote clearing removes all spirits and entities creating a positive change which aids in physical and mental healing, improved relationships, more restful sleep, and a renewed sense of life.  You’ll find that old energies of anger, dread, depression, and sadness will be gone, leaving you a feeling of peace and comfort, more joy, compassion, and kindness.

  • An energy balance releases residual and negative energies and creates a peaceful and harmonious space; allowing for success, prosperity, and happiness.  It releases old influences to create a positive change in life.

  • A blessing and protection will aid in soothing the lingering thoughts and feelings of the old experiences of your space and lead you to a more calm and peaceful sense and attitude toward the cleared place or area.  It will also protect you while you learn how to shift your behavior or mindset and maintain a clear space.

  • A holding space allows time for you to read or listen to any materials provided to you and follow up on my suggestions to maintain your cleared and energetically reset space.


When you schedule a remote clearing with me, you get:

  • An experienced space clearer working directly and personally on you, your family, and your space.

  • All entities and spirits removed from you, your family, and space – including pets!

  • All energy balanced, leaving you a peaceful sense of ease, allowing life to flow easily and more abundantly.

  • Peace of mind that your space and family is safe.

  • A “Holding Space”.  After your clearing is conducted, I’ll hold the clearing for SEVEN DAYS (for this clearing special) so you can implement tactics and suggestions on your part.

  • Tips, tactics, suggestions, and ideas to keep you and your space free from spirits and entities in a follow up group call .

  • The opportunity to work with me further at a discounted rate**.


This clearing special includes:

  • A REMOTE Entity and spirit clearing on one location.  Yes, this includes anything demonic.

  • Underground energies realigned.

  • A Protection around the perimeter of the requested building and property.

  • Includes up to four permanent residents on requested property.

  • Includes all indoor pets.

  • Includes all outbuildings; barns, sheds, garages, etc.; within acreage.

  • Holding space for seven days from date of clearing.

  • A PDF with information for YOU to maintain your cleared space.  This falls on you a lot quicker with this special package. (Listen to the video above if you have not done so already.)

  • A group call for a general Q&A and more information on maintaining your cleared space will be held after the final date of this special.  (Look below each booking button on this page for that date.)  Be sure to keep an eye out for the information by email.  (If you can’t make this call, you’ll be given the opportunity to submit your GENERAL questions regarding clearings by email.  I will answer as many questions as possible in the allotted time.  A recording of this call will be emailed within five business days of the call.)

To see all the regular clearing packages visit this page.


Can’t make up your mind?  Read these:

Never Keep a Ghost Around

Children and Attachments

Are You Being Haunted?

Haunted Spaces

Ghosts Defined



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at a savings of $600!

Offer expires at midnight May 30, 2024.

To see all the regular clearing packages visit this page.



Below is a list of significantly discounted add-on options for this clearing special.  They are only available when booking the clearing special and will not be offered again.  None of these are required, but each one adds an additional benefit to your life and can significantly help you shift your circumstances to maintain a clear space and life. 

My top three suggestions would be Five Weeks of Distant Healing, A New Empowered You, and The Power of Gratitude. 

Add-on Options for this Clearing Special:


Use the code Clearing24 to

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offer expires at midnight May 30, 2024.


What They’re Saying…

“I love how informative Julie was when she did the clearing for my home and business.  Her work is exceptional, and the details in her report were amazing.  She asked for no information in advance yet pinpointed everything that was happening in my spaces. Since she completed the clearing in August 2017, I have not had any more strange occurrences, my employees’ moods have shifted (some that I had a lot of trouble with have even left), and I feel much more peace.” – Linda Cellars, Michigan 

We’d had some bizarre things happening on our little farm in New Mexico and kept hearing stories about other strange things in the area.  We thought they were rumors or just tales told over the last 150 years until we moved here.  I was terrified to go outside our house after dark and would refuse to go home alone after dark.  I often stayed in town with a friend if I couldn’t make it home before sunset.  My husband and I felt like we were living in a horror film.  When my big tough hubby didn’t want to even be there alone I knew we needed to do something.  Moving wasn’t an option.

I dug around online trying to find help and posted about it in a group and was told to beware people who did this work if they weren’t a shaman or priest or anyone who wanted to charge me for it.  I was told to sage and pray and several other silly things.  I did another search and came across Julie’s website.  I sent her an email asking questions I had after reading her page and she was quick to respond and answer all of them.  She’s not a shaman or a priest, but this girl knows her stuff! The change in our home and farm was nothing short of a miracle.  A place I dreaded being became my peaceful abode.  She shouldn’t be such a secret. – Kay Murdock, NM


“I contacted Julie because of my 5-year-old son who was exhibiting strange and scary behavior.  He had horrible nightmares, and talked about heaven, hell, and fire often.  He had been talking about killing himself and had told me “I want to die so you can be sad.” He’d been having a lot of problems at school, fighting and not being able to pay attention.  He got suspended from school for drawing graphic pictures of him killing his teachers.  He’d even asked for more paper to draw more teachers he’d killed.  There were several times when I looked in his eyes, I didn’t see him, and I was afraid of him.  I hated how our life was and was losing faith in everything.

Julie was amazing.  We talked about what was going on and she was super kind and not judgmental at all.  I had her do a personal clearing on both me and my son, clear our home, and do energy healing on both of us.  She waited until my son was asleep to do all this and the change was nothing short of miraculous.  He woke up a different child.  He reported that he had a good dream where he’d saved two of his friends and said that it was going to be a great day.  That was in May 2015, and my son has never gone back to the way he was. He’s doing great in school, is happy, and doesn’t have any social issues.

Julie taught me so much I don’t know where we’d be now without her.” ~  Jennifer E., Missouri (check-in with update from 2019)


“This girl is phenomenal. I’ve had my home cleared 3 times [by other people] and it never worked.  I never felt a shift in the energy, and I still saw things from the corner of my eyes.  Julie did a clearing after I’d gone to bed one night.  I laid there anxious, because nothing had worked before, and suddenly I felt like a massive truck was lifted off my shoulders.  I began to breathe easier, and my entire body relaxed.  I looked at the clock and it was 3 minutes into the time Julie said she’d begin.  THREE MINUTES!  I couldn’t believe it.  I felt so relieved that I rolled over and fell asleep and had the best sleep I’d ever had since moving into my house 7 years prior.  I woke the next morning feeling like I was walking on air.  Not only had the energy shifted in me, but my entire home was different, including my car!  (My air conditioner even worked better!)  Julie did this clearing in August 2014, it’s now January 2018 as I write this review.  I have never again seen anything from the corner of my eye, I stopped dreading going home, I sleep again, I feel comfortable in the dark, and overall, my life has changed.  I have never been happier and more comfortable in my own skin, I switched jobs and I love what I’m doing, and my income has increased.  I am forever grateful for what Julie’s done for me and for what I’ve learned from her.” – Theresa D., Colorado 

UPDATE October 2019:  From Theresa:  My home is the most peaceful place I’ve ever been, and my friends and family say the same thing.  When we’re planning get-togethers, everyone wants them to be here.  I’m still amazed at the drastic change that’s happened in my life.  Since my last testimonial, I’ve met the sweetest man and will soon be getting married.  I just couldn’t be happier.  I know that the holding space and directions and suggestions she made to help me learn the ins and outs of keeping my life and home free was the icing on the cake.  Hiring Julie to do this clearing was one of the very best decisions I’ve ever made in my life.  I’m eternally grateful for the work she does and the guidance she gives. 

I owned a parcel of land for several years that I was unable to sell.  I’d had it listed with several realtors over those years, usually more than one at a time.  I hired Julie to complete a clearing on the property.  I quickly had four offers and it sold for my asking price within three weeks.  I feel relieved over this sale and can now move forward with my housing plan. – (undisclosed client); Brazil

Use the code Clearing24 to

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offer expires midnight May 30, 2024.





I conduct the clearing from my own personal space.  With this special clearing package, you will be invited to a group call where I will discuss ways for you to maintain your space.  I will clear all current disharmonious spirits and entities (demonic or otherwise) quickly, easily, and permanently and will give you information on how to keep your space clear.  It is your responsibility to make changes within your life to ensure you are not hospitable to spirits and entities going forward. 


You must provide proof that you are the resident or
owner of the property you’re requesting a clearing for.

Julie has a strict policy for space clearings.

It goes against another person’s free will to request a clearing for them or their home or property without their knowledge.  All requests are for household members only, who live full time in the home, and are related to you (either biologically or by marriage). 

Business building clearings can be done without the consent of the building owner if you have a rental contract or lease.  Proof of this must be submitted.

Proof of residency or ownership can be provided by ONE of the following:

***photographing or scanning***

1) the name and address portion ONLY of your driver’s license (Please DO NOT submit your entire driver’s license!)
2) a copy of a utility bill addressed to you with property address
3) your property tax statement showing your name and address
4) your rental or lease agreement showing your name and address

We treat your information as we would want our information treated but do request that you do not send any information that shows your social security number or financial information.