Last night I had an amazing reading for a woman who wanted to hear from her boyfriend who passed away about two and a half years ago. She simply asked, “Does he have anything to say?” And boy did he!
He started out with a simple statement of, “She talks to me in the shower.” which of course I found funny, but was leery as to where this would be going. When I told her this she said no, she couldn’t think of when she talked to him in the shower; but within moments took that back. She began laughing and explained to me that she has soap he bought her that she uses every day, so every day when she gets in the shower she simply says, “Johnny this makes me think of you.” We found it amusing that he’d start the conversation with this but what a wonderful validation for her that it was him coming through. I would have never known that she talked to him in the shower!
The conversation goes on and he said some personal things to her that was absolutely wonderful, but my favorite part was when she said something about being in the shower and that she knew he was with her, and he responded with, “I can’t transform into soap.” We both laughed hysterically! She then tells me she’d recently hung his picture up and put his glasses with the photo and said, “We bought those glasses so he’d be a cool dude.” And what was John’s response? “I was always a cool dude.”
It was obvious he was a humorous character, and she said his personality really shined through. All those little comments he made was exactly what he would have said in person.
This morning I’m still laughing over this conversation. He was such a delight that I wish I’d known him in person, and I hope I get to talk to him again!