The Truth about Medium Readings

One of the greatest injustices paranormal shows and shows about medium readings has infringed is that it inaccurately portrays these things.   One of the greatest benefits of paranormal shows and shows about medium readings is that it has brought light to an aspect of our world that has been thought taboo for far too long. continue reading

Releasing Soul Contracts

Releasing Soul Contracts Before we’re born we create a plan for our lifetime.  We run it by God, He gives his input and assists us in finding other souls to help us carry out the plan, and he instructs angels to help us on our way.  (Along with our Higher Self, this is our Spirit continue reading

Teach Them How to Treat You

TEACH THEM HOW TO TREAT YOU Two things I tell myself daily is,  my trust is in God; and I’m not obligated to keep anyone in my life whom I can’t trust; whether that trust was broken by lies or deceit, betrayal, or abuse in any form.  (This also includes people who don’t stand up continue reading

Never Keep a Ghost Around

WARNING: Mildly graphic statements/suggestive material. PG13 If you’re come here from my article Ghosts Define, you’ve already read some of the following information. It’s very important that all this is clear, so bear with me as I go reiterate some points. I promise there’s additional information in here for you. (Including a couple interesting stories!) continue reading

Are You Haunted?

Are You Being Haunted? First of all, let me say that if you feel you’re being visited by a loved one and you wish them to leave, all you have to do is ask! Talk to them out loud and simply tell them you wish for them to go. You don’t even have to give continue reading

Social Media

Simply liking a page doesn’t ensure you’ll see the post.  If you’ve chosen to like a page, that means you wish to see their content.  However, social media sites (especially Facebook!) like to filter what you see and interact with.  The typical reach of a Facebook post by the page to a follower is about continue reading

Getting Grounded

Getting Grounded How to Stay Centered and Balanced Being grounded can mean a couple things; you’re fully present in your body and/or you’re connected to the earth. We’ve all experienced being grounded when we have that “at home” feeling. It’s usually accompanied with a dose of happiness and a sense of peace. However, most often, continue reading

Clearing Your Mind and Body

When I’m in a haunted space I envision my own force field periodically just for my own peace of mind. Generally, if you’ve strongly created your own force field many times in your mind you don’t need to do any of this, but if you’d like more peace of mind then by all means do continue reading

Beliefs About Being Dead That Are Just Dead Wrong

Beliefs About Being Dead That Are Just Dead Wrong   My loved ones become angels when they die. Sorry, but no.  Humans never become angels.  As much as we often wish to believe that dear Aunt Jannie is an angel watching over us now, it’s just not the case. No one gets to be an angel except angels. continue reading